Our Clergy & Staff

Mayra Duarte
Associate for Parish Facilities
What is a Vestry?
“Vestry” originally referred to the room in the church in which the vestments, vessels, and other requisites for Divine worship were kept and in which the clergy robed. However, since the vestry was the room in which church business meetings took place, the word also came to mean an elective body composed of the rector and a group of elected parishioners administering the temporal affairs of the parish.
Our Vestry
Susan Walker
Senior Warden
Marc McCaw
Junior Warden
Jeff Baum
Bill Chevaillier
Michael Bedford
Paula Eku
Amanda Floyd
Robert Gambill
Nancy Hicks
William Lyons
Bard Moss
Elizabeth Osburn
Martha Sabo
Peggy Schroedter
Gil Sy
Kristine Taylor