Christian formation is the lifelong process of growing in relationship with God, self, others and all creation.
Because our parish is one of diverse ages and interests, our formation opportunities are varied, including Children’s Chapel or VBS, adult bible courses or theology discussion groups, as well as Confirmation and First Communion classes.
Through intentional learning, we can each engage – or help our younger family members – become transformed into the people God wants us to be.
Formation for the Younger Folks
Recognizing that Christian formation is the lifelong process, we offer formative education and experiences for all our younger family members. From Sunday Nursery time to high school teen nights, Saint John’s has faith-centered fellowship and education opportunities designed to grow relationships with God, self, others, and all creation.
These activities include Children’s Chapel, summer Vacation Bible School, middle and upper school teen groups, Confirmation and First Communion classes, youth outreach, a children’s choir, acolyte teams, and more.
We can’t wait to meet your younger family members!
Upcoming Events
Fun, fellowship and formation take many shapes at Saint John’s. Check out a few of the many seasonal, educational, liturgical and community events here. Engage with others and encounter God with one or many of these opportunities!
Sacramental & Life Events
At Saint John’s we want to celebrate the joyful events in your life and offer comfort during the difficult ones. From our clergy, who are available to meet with you, to our staff members who are experts in planning and preparation, we are here to help and guide you in these events and traditions.

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