We are excited to welcome children, youth, and teens to Saint John’s, not solely because the church has a lot to offer young people and their families but because they have so much to offer our church. We enjoy and are grateful for the gifts and perspectives of our young parishioners – from toddlers to teens. Their presence in worship, family events, or simply in our nursery makes our community whole.
Children’s Chapel
Sundays at 9:00 AM | 0-PreK
Our Children’s Chapel is a service that allows our children to grow in our 3 pillars – faith, worship, and prayer at age-appropriate levels. All children from pre-K – 5th grade will meet in Powell Hall to check-in, receive name tags, and sing songs together. After singing songs, pre-K – 1st grade will remain in Powell Hall while 2nd – 5th grade moves to the Youth Room. We will lead the younger and older groups in age-appropriate liturgies, including Bible stories, songs, and prayers. The older group will then meet back in Powell Hall, and all children will join the adults in the sanctuary for Communion.

Sunday Morning Formation
Sundays at 9:00 AM | 0-PreK
This program starts in Powell Hall following the 10 am service for children in PreK-5th. Children will follow the Storymakers curriculum to learn how they are a part of God’s story, will recieve snacks, and will have opportunities to earn prizes through memory verses! Teachers and Volunteers will be inside Powell Hall as soon as they receive communion, in which they will set up the room and snacks. Parents are also welcome to drop off kids following communion. At 11:20 am, the Teachers and Volunteers will start teaching the lesson. They will finish their lessons at 11:50 am, and parents can come pick up their kids between 11:50 am-12:00 pm. If you have any questions, please reach out to Joshua Corsaro.

Our nursery opens at 9:00am and accommodates children between the ages of infant to four years. Our goal is to allow children to have a safe environment to play in, and to also help them grow in understanding of God’s love. Whether through interactive coloring pages, playing with toys, or even blowing bubbles. No matter what activity they choose to do on a Sunday, they will be loved and cared for.

Our children’s and youth ministry has a lot of program offerings outside of Sunday morning. Click here to learn more!